This new section is intended for music collectors post their artist collections in a single thread Everything is ordered chronologically, each Spoiler is a thread inside the mega thread. Live performances, concerts, interviews, TV Shows,... Every user can create it's own collection for the Artist(s) he/she collects. Other users can create other threads for the same artist or just collaborate with an existing one in the thread. Files and Filehosts Files must have been uploaded by the post owner, exclusive accounts for these files. Video files must be uploaded unarchived, unless it has to be splitted into Rar parts due to it's size. Allowed fileshosts: [8Gb] (if you have trouble use Chrome's translator) [15 Gb] [10 Gb] [10 Gb] Allowed image hosts: Now other hosts are allowed in this section until any other change is committed. Images It is mandatory to have a thumbnails images for each video. It's the only images per "Spoiler post" Only ThumbnailMe is allowed for thumbnail generation. Because ThumbnailMe has a more complete MediaInfo than VideoThumbnailsMaker Posting MediaInfo is not allowed because it tops up the threads too much, the only mediainfo is from the thumbnail image Spoiler: ThumbnailMe config example Quality: 70% Format: JPG Resolution width: 1280px Minimum number of images: 8 Minimum number of columns: 2 Font: At your own description, something legible Font size: 17 These rules must be followed, no PNG format allowed in these threads because each one can contain dozens or more images. Post format Text alignment as to be Center, the first tag of a mega thread it's an opening center tags and the last a closing one. Date format must be DD/MM/YYYY Post "Spoiler" and "Code": HIDE-REPLY tags for links: Links must be clickable URL's BB-Code editor: It is preferential to use BB-Code editor Mega Thread layout: Basic layout to copy paste onto BB-code editor
MEGA no longer plays here? It would be very nice all well sorted by dates but ... some LIVE that we found by the internet do not put date or if it is from the DVD also has no date, how would we do here? Do you think it would also be a good thread with all the official videos of my favorite artist? sometimes I think ... as they do in other forums, put restrictions on users to be able to download certain videos. Some download and download only and do not contribute anything to the forum ...
I plan to create another section below this one for Official Music videos and all it's sources I don't want mega because they have bandwidth restrictions now, and I prefer hosts that don't use this CPU intensive download decryption thing, it's unnecessary
Yep! DVD Version 480p NTSC and 576p PAL. I want to upload all the videos of Nelly Furtado and other artists that I really like
Do u have a section for live audio ? Cause I know i just seen katy perry boston show and i love live recordings
I've been fixing some template issue, I think it's all great now About these MegaThreads, I've been simplifying things a bit, MediaInfo text is no longer needed, changes have been added on this thread I've been adding some more files to my Avril Lavigne's collection, it's gonna be the best ever I'm hoping to see some more collections, I don't know who are hard collector of some specific artists, but I'd like to see many more